28. So Lucky It Is The Flu

Sir Oliver's Granny

Since a few days I am walking all walks alone with sir Oliver, except for last weekend when my partner walked with. My daughter has come down with the flu and a cold, yeah she’s got the flu/cold, and was thus not able to join the walks. Maybe it sounds weird when a mom is glad her child is sick.

It’s been many many years since my daughter has been sick like a normal person. The chronic Lyme disease made her sick daily. At least the last 6 years when her chronic Lyme disease was the worse, flu like symptoms were a sign of a new episode of Lyme. When she would tell me that she had a sore throat, headaches, runny nose and muscle aches, it was alarm phase one and a knot in my stomach. Knowing that a lot of bad stuff was coming her and our way.

This is the first time that I could see her eyes being watery, but I wanted to check every time if things felt different than what we have been calling ‘normal’ before. She told me that a real flu is more superficial when it comes to pain. According to her experience Lyme flu pain is deep, and was felt throughout her entire body. Getting these first signs of a Lyme episode meant mostly weeks in a row in bed, curtains closed and merely surviving.

I am so so glad that we, for now, have left it behind us. There is nothing as horrible to see your child suffer so much and doctors telling you that she is making it up. Insurances telling you that chronic Lyme disease does not exist and therefore you are paying a lot of insurance money, but don’t get anything compensated. While with acknowledged diseases one does get compensated.

Sir Oliver has been a gift, that she gave herself,  after being able to recover from chronic Lyme disease through natural medication and working on herself. She hasn’t been outside so much since she has sir Oliver. Daily movement and being outdoors does good to us humans. And not underestimating the discipline of walking 3 times a day with a dog, well that is my part of the deal. My daughter tries to do 2 walks, if not sick with the flu.

I’ve given myself the gift of discipline, when it comes to being outdoors. I had been having many resistances and mainly excuses, of which non are left today. A dog, if I had ever known, is so great to at least have ones in your life. I’m a cat woman, I always said, and now when I see other dogs I get this warm feeling inside. Before it was just a dog and I was glad it was not mine or living in my house. It’s a bit like living with a naughty toddler, if you like challenges. Apparently I like challenges, because it is not my first challenge. I still love being a cat woman and I as well love to be a dog woman. So why limiting myself, no one told me to choose!